Dear Luke Skywalker, get out of my brain. I’m trying to write about the torrid affairs of your father, mother, mentor and assorted hangers-on, which will probably result in your not being born at all. Now is not the time to hang around and try to engage me in discussions on philosophy
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THe others should just behave *glares sternly*
(My vote's for Padme.....)
(Padme's up for anything that helps her grab the limelight, sleazy politico that she is :P)
[it's the Lori-muise who is buigging me to write the long-ass epic Mexico thing that has been boiling in my brain for over a year now...]
(Why can I imagine Padme with a mechanical hand that has not been covered with sythflesh? ;P)
(Because it would be an OMGperfect signature look and photo opportunity. The courageous senator who lost a limb preventing unnecessary bloodshed at the start of the Clone Wars, saving the life of the boy who later became her ward... I think she might be reading ahead to the sequel ;))
(*giggle* Go padme! *bounces a little as she awaits till she gets to read this* exept that I really should see Epi III beofre that *sigh* I hate living here. Guess will have to "acquire"" it...)
And Padme will be running for Chancellor, of course.)
And yay for grrrl powaah! :D)
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