Jun 17, 2004 10:58
hi im bonnie and today wassa good day for making babies.
haha that was joey.. he skipped history to come to computer class with me :) anyways - joey's ass is consuming the chair.
Nate got kicked out of computer class, but Joey didn't (its cuz nate is black).. Our computer teacher is prejudice against black people.
I hate jews ~ bonnie
(that was Hoey... he is jewish)
no im not...i just wear yamikas
whatever - enough with jewish people... they r dumb ( that was hoey again)
ANYWHO - Finals today - Literature. It sucked ass. All the multiple choices sucked, but the essays were okay. Maybe I should have actually read "A Seperate Piece". haha Oh well.
We have stupppid recess buddies next - hopefully we dont have to go "interact" with the smaller disabled children. The kids are sooo ugly - I guess its a little kid thing. Joey and I were ugly when we were little. Well Joey was FAAATTTTT and I was just terribly ugly :( oh well.
Joey thinks Alex is a fucking loser. He wants him to fucking die.
Okay Alex just wrote something really disgusting about me getting raped up the ass then Joey goes "my ass really hurts"
Hahah anyways - this chair is too small for me and Joey.
my ass is in tremendous pain (that was Hoey again)
Anyways this fuckin sucks and i need some gum (joey)
I'm gunna let Hoey update his thinger now - Peace Easy.
B. Wilson.