well today was deffinately a learning experience. i had my first solo, full day block session in studio a. i got a little nervous about it last night, and started thinking about everything that could go wrong. but then today came around and i got excited. with the exception of a few "hey anthony..'s", and some advice on what pre's to use on what, i think i did a pretty decent job, considering the amount of time.. or lack there of.
for those of you who dont know.. before you accuse me's bassist was... removed.. from the band. so, i got a temporary sub to fill in for recording purposes. he learned all the songs on the spot, and really stepped it up. LT.. you clearly rock. and i owe you one. so, bass tracks took the longest, and then we started running out of time. so we didn't get to stack the guitar, barely finished vocals, and all of the mixes were done relatively quick. that being said.. everyone still thinks it rocks, which is whats important i guess. im sure by the time im done typing this they'll have some mp3's up on myspace.. so heres' a link.
http://www.myspace.com/beforeyouaccuseme wednesday im going to finish the royal kustoms cd. so expect that to be available sometime soon. i think they might be getting it pressed. that cd was recorded at the utsa studio, and mixed (and vocals) at rhapsody.. despite being done at utsa.. i actually think this cd sounds really good. but maybe its just because that band ROCKS. they already have 1 rough mix up on their myspace.. so if you havne't already, definately listen to it/add them.
http://www.myspace.com/theroyalkustoms wednesday night i might start to finish the prepare to defend it cd. who knows.. if not then we're deffinately getting it done friday. they ARE getting it pressed, and booked a cd release show for march 4th at the black lion. this is the cd that i hope sounds better than it does right now. i was forced to have a partner at utsa for this project that started out as a grade.. and he really fucked a lot of stuff up. that.. and for some reason the raw mic sound just doesn't sound that great. so i have a lot of work to do in post. also.. since their ep was recorded at rhapsody.. i have to try to get it up to that standard.. which is going to be hard.. and a lot of people are going to here this one, and since its one of my first projects.. i dont want it to suck. they also have a myspace.
http://www.myspace.com/preparetodefend it
ok well.. thats it. happy v day and such.