Title: Happy Birthday
Author: Jamie Rose
bwhouwant2bPairing/Characters/'verse: Christian Kane/Steve Carlson/Jessica, Apollo, Jason Manns/ Family 'verse
Disclaimer: Chris Kane and Steve Carlson own themselves. This is a work of fiction. I only own Jessica and Apollo. They spend lots of time talking/barking in my head, but won't let me write them...
Thanks: Y'all for reading. And
honeyjojame for encouranging me to write, not this specific piece but just in general. Oh and
comment_fic for inspiring me to write and post in the first place.
Summary: A year in birthday.
Author's Note: I wrote this a while ago for
comment_fic but didn't like it so didn't post there. I'm going back through my fic to clean up and post some of it here and thought what the hell, I don't know why I don't like this so why not let other people read it?
Jessica’s birthday is celebrated with a small group of friends and family and the kids that she had met at playgroup. It wasn’t huge or fancy. Just people that they cared about. The kids all had fun. Hell even Apollo had fun chasing the little kids around their backyard. It was filled with cake and fun and games that a 2 year old would enjoy. By the time the party was over, Jessica was passed out in Steve’s arms, and both of her parents were just as exhausted.
Steve’s birthday is celebrated by playing at a club. He’d set the gig up without really thinking about the date so he doesn’t really get to spend the whole day with his family. Christian wanted to be there, but couldn’t because their little girl was sick and they weren’t willing to leave her with a sitter just so Chris could come to Steve’s gig. Steve’s birthday wasn’t bad by any means, the crowd sang Happy Birthday to him, which was more amusing than anything. And when he finally got home, he found that Christian had actually baked him a cake. It was a little lopsided but it didn’t matter because Christian had taken the time to do it when they both knew he hated baking and would do anything to avoid it.
For Christian’s birthday, they left Jessica and Apollo with Jason and went out. It was only the second or third times they done something like that since they adopted Jessica, but it was worth it. They’d had a ton of fun. Their fun ends with them back at home spending quality time just the two of them. They had other plans, but they ended up just curled up on their couch watching movies. Steve realized they weren’t the same people they were last year, when instead of making out and heavy petting on their couch while watching the movie Christian fell asleep. It didn’t matter though, because Steve knows that Christian wouldn’t have his birthday any other way.
Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it.
I need an icon for my verse.