40 Acres and a Mule

Sep 28, 2009 23:38

Title: 40 Acres and a Mule
Author: Jamie bwhouwant2b
Pairing: Chris/Steve
Disclaimer: Christian Kane and Steve Carlson own themselves (and possibly each other). This is a work of fiction and as far as I know none of this ever happened.
Summary: What the future could bring
Author's Note: Sometimes when a bunny bites you, it just won't go away. That's what happened here. This is part of the Promises verse. Pre Promises Made.

Christian won’t tell him where they’re going. He says that it has to be a surprise and if he tells him then it’ll ruin the fun of the day. Steve’s decided that he’s just going to go with it because it’s becoming all too rare for Christian to be in playful moods like this.
When they finally stop, they’re in the middle of nowhere and Steve honestly has no idea what to think. He doesn’t find the same peace out here that Christian does, he loves the openness and freedom sure, but when he’s out here, in the country with nothing around him, the sheer openness overwhelms him.

They only sit in the truck for a couple of minutes before Christian is driving again. Explaining as he goes.

“I bought about 300 acres of land from a guy Momma and Daddy knew when I was a kid. “ It’s all he says and Steve knows that’s all he’s getting until Christian is ready to say more. Steve goes with the silence; he spends his time looking at this place that Christian now owns. It’s beautiful out here really; even he can admit that.

When Christian stops driving once more, Steve knows it’s time to listen again because whatever is about to come out of Christian’s mouth isn’t what he actually means and he is going to have to interpret it. “I wanna build a house out here…maybe have a horse or two…” Christian trails off and Steve starts to tell him how much he likes that idea before Christian starts talking again, really quickly like he doesn’t want to say it but feels like he has to. “Now I ain’t askin’ ya’ to move out here with me if you don’t wanna. I know Ojai’s your home.” Except that's exactly what Christian wants to do. Steve can see it in his eyes hear it in his voice.

“What if I want to come out here with you?” He asks the question just because he wants to hear what Christian is going to say.

His head snaps up and one of the biggest brightest smiles Steve has ever seen is one his face.

“Really?” Christian asks with all the giddiness of a child as he walks over and throws his arms around Steve.

“Really” Steve whispers in his ear, placing a chaste kiss on the side of his mouth.

promises 'verse, pairing:chris/steve, fic, oops i killed chris

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