Dec 06, 2005 19:16
I kind of had a rough day. I had three classes this morning, and besides for learning about rat sex, they were all pretty useless. Then, I had to go to a psych study, which was ok cause I got to play Mario64. Then I got back to room, putzed around for about 45 minutes, then had to go give blood.
First of all, I had an appointment and still waited 30 minutes. Because I had to pee. I got passed over for 2 walk-ins because I had to pee. Lovely. Then, after answering all those embarassing questions, I went over to donate. The donation went fine, and the people were really nice.
Then she fucked up.
She came over to collect the tubes, which they need for testing. She accidentally bumped the needle and apparently she moved it. When she went to collect the tubes, no blood would come out. So, she moved the needle aorund a bit (ouch!) and still nothing. She figured she'd have better luck in my other arm, so she stuck me there. And after wiggling it around a bunch, and giving me a huge subdural hematoma (big word for nasty burise), she called over someone else and was like "Its not working."
They called a doctor, got consent, and went back into my other arm. Ouch. Both my inner arms hurt like a motherfucker.
But Mike took me out to dinner to Jay's so that was fantastic.