Apr 30, 2008 14:52
Once a short time ago this pup loved to play games online games, then things sucked so he got fed up with them and turned his head to more fun activities like legos. Now this pup finds himself playing online based games again, and you know what.... nothing’s changed.
Ok yeah so, despite online games lacking any visual graphics, there's one thing I can't stand, and that is all the ass-hat players in the world. Once in a blue moon I found these games fun for just relaxing and you could have a pretty good time, you could attack someone and they probably attack you back and you both would have a good time about it, and maybe a little frustration if you lost. Now a day you can't play games on like that anymore without having some other player bringing up a drama story or threatening every single thing you do. Take for example a space based game, I have a small alliance based off a wolf name, one of my guild mates gets attacked and his base is taken over, I send a fleet up to help him out, right before I attack I get a message saying. "attak that player agin and we put your hole guild on KoS (kill on sight)" (I tried to imitate his typing, it's hard to do, his typing was much worse than that). I kindly respond "I'm just helping out my friend who was attacked first", reply "dun care, ur guild weak, merge with us if you no wan to ges destroyed" (and I thought my typing was bad, I'm a 5 year old wolf pup and I bet I could easily beat him on a kindergarten level spelling test).
It's like come on, is there any point to this anymore... where's the fun in the game when nearly every player you talk to wants to act like a total bad ass bully before you even do anything. Online games that are played on the computer or a console are half the time no better.
To sum it up, I use to be big about playing online games, but now if I ever play any multiplayer games I only really prefer it if it's in a smaller group of friends. Whether it be People who are next to me or even in the next room over if playing on dual systems. Cause it just more fun, you know the people, you have a blast with them, and while you give each out a hard time when someone is winning, it's all in good fun.
Maybe I'm the only one who thinks like that, I don't know, but playing a game where your forced to be an ass-hat or to be treated badly by so many it's just dumb. Needless to say I'm still playing such games because I have made a few friends, but ever so slowly I'm losing interest in them all over again.