The eyes- they drown in tears.

May 24, 2005 16:43

The more I see everyone act so.. Normal at school..

The more I will cry on Thursday/Friday.

And chances are that I will wake up on Friday and get ready for school.

Then, my mother will tell me there is no school.

Then it will finally hit me:

No more middle school memories.

No more GYM with Derek, Tayelor and Ryan.

No more lunch with the group.

No more CST tax collecting Mondays.

No more Mondays where I have to wear something green.

No more days in Homeroom when I worry about my unfinished homework.

No more sneaking out on school nights.

No more nasty school lunches.

No more days in Reading where Amanda and I pass notes about Kevin.

No more afternoons in Take Note when everyone refuses to shut up.

No more days in Chester when I get upset with Mrs. Chester for being strict.

No more mornings in McCrady when I simply tell her, "I don't have my homework."

No more 5th period Science Class where Dr. Henry yells at Taryn to shut up.

No more 7th period History class when Ms. Tracy does community circle.

No more mornings when I wake up, looking forward to seeing the same familiar faces.

No more mornings where I don't have to worry about what I look like.

No more afternoons writing in my LJ about what I hate about school.

No more mornings when I wake up, delighted to know I'd see everyone I love.

No more days when I have to be paranoid if someone's talking about me.

No more anything.


I wish that time really could stand still..

But it won't.

We all have to move on in our lives.

It's a shame that you all can't move along with us.

Have you noticed how every day we have left of school gets shorter?

Not just 'cause of the early dissmissals..

It's also from us wasting it away..

We waste it by not cherishing the moment!

"Time goes swiftly on its way.. All too soon we've lost today."

My heart aches because I will be put into HIGH SCHOOL next year.

Without a helping hand.

All by myself.

Well.. With some friends.. But you know what I mean..

I'm going to the movies on friday.

Along with..

Grace, Kiersten, Katie, and Krisie.

It would mean ALOT to me if you went.

Please consider going..?

I really.













I love you all.

"Please speak slowly.
My heart is learning.
Teach me heartache.
Stop this burning.

Call if you please:

D- 283 7719
M- 573 0723
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