So the other day the most lovely
Kos_Mos607 did a meme she got to ask me 5 questions to get to know me better. So here are the questions and answers ^_^
1) Who is your favorite Football boy?
She had to start with a freaking hard one to pick just on…so she gets two damn it!
My true love of football is a guy most people don’t know, but that’s ok, he’s mine!!
Jack Collison. He plays for my team West Ham United F.C. but has been injured most of last and this year. I’ve been a bit in love with him for close to 7 years.
He also plays on the Welsh national team.
He has beautiful movement when approaching the ball and has made some wonderful goals.
My other is a newer after disliking him for a long time. Cristiano Ronaldo I finally started to stand him a tag when he came to Real Madrid, and then I saw some more in depth interviews
and realized he was a big ‘o dork!
And that’s why I love him, he is really sweet and has a dumb laugh and is wrapped in this super suave package that sometimes doesn’t fir his dorkyness.
2) What's your favorite food?
This changes from time-to-time but a food I always go back to is a tuna sandwich just the way my Mom made….Though fried chicken is a close second.
3) What's the best slash fic you've ever read and why?
I have no idea… I have read soooo much in my time in fandoms… wait wait one come to mind, It’s called “sympatric magic” (Ron/Harry) on it was one of the first harry potter fic I ever read ^_^
4) What's your favorite movie?
ooo that’s a hard one, the movie I can watch over and over is Joe Dirt, I still laugh. But I love anything when a great slash pairing lol (right now it’s The Eagle)
5) If you could be anyone for one day, who would it be?
If I get to be me in their body… I hate to say this but I’d love to be Kim Kardashian, she’s beautiful and rich and it would be fun because it’s totally different from my life. Also she’s slept with Cristiano Ronaldo haha