
back with 5

Jan 26, 2007 18:10

From the altfriday5:

1. What was the last question someone asked you (not including this one)? What was your answer?
"Shouldn't we start making some plans pretty soon?" my answer: "Yes, I would've earlier but I was distracted."

2. What was the last question you asked? What was the answer?
"Is ${location} really closer to me, though?" I don't yet know the answer. Obviously, I could look it up, but I'm lazy and screwing around with my lj.
All very boring stuff, actually.

3. Do people often ask you questions? Why or why not? How many questions would you estimate you get asked in an average day?
People don't ask me questions nearly as much as I would like them to do so. Maybe a dozen per day, tops. Probably more like five. Removing work from the equation, I cut mine asking in half, and I'm asked nearly nil on the vast majority of days. Usually the most intelligent people I know ask me questions. I guess they like the information flowing in their direction.

4. Do you often ask questions? Why or why not? How many questions would you estimate you ask in an average day?
I ask questions whenever possible, to people who don't seem to repeatedly give entirely useless answers (like questioning why I'm questioning). I probably more like a couple dozen, but I could easily be off by an order of magnitude.

5. When you hear a question, do you feel compelled to answer it?
Unfortunately, yes.

From thefridayfive:
1. Would you rather have a fun job that doesn't pay well or a boring job that does?
A fun job that doesn't pay well, provided it's sufficient to meet my needs as I define them. Prior to meeting my needs, I care about the net cash.

2. Would you sacrifice your morals for a job?
Never again.

3. Would you ever take a job that requires you to be in costume?
Possibly (yes). The costume would be relatively unimportant to the reason.
Everybody wears a uniform. -- Frank Zappa

4. What is your fantasy job?
Artist. Medium isn't extremely important.

5. Would you like fries with that?
I'm always open to good vegan fries as a fringe benefit.
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