stagedoor with laura bell!

Feb 03, 2009 13:17

Hey y'all! So riot_cabaret and I always wanted this to be a very interactive, informative, fun, fan community and we've encouraged posting stage door encounters and such, but no one's really done it yet. Well here I go! 8]

I swear I will eventually post my Gypsy stagedoor stuff from NYC, but for now I have pics from the Legally Blonde stagedoor at the St. Louis Fox Theater. I was lucky enough to see Laura Bell Bundy in her little stint with the tour and she was so great. :]

The Fox is gorgeous. :] These are my friend Jessyka's photos btw.

The guy in this played Emmett. He was pretty good and really nice. His face kinda reminded me of Andy Samberg. idk

RHIANNON! lol I'm obsessed with this girl. She is PRECIOUS. I always thought she was really tall because idk she looks really tall on the reality show I guess, but she was like, shorter than me. I didn't recognize her at first when she came out. P.S. I'm the one in the glasses. 8]

Her performance was pretty good. I mean, I love her, but I'm not delusional. She's not the best singer out there, but she sounded fine. She just brings so much energy and positivity. Haha, idk I just think she's fun to watch. She was very happy at the stage door and talked to everyone and took fun, goofy pictures. My friend made a comment about girls screaming "OMG" in her ears and she was like "Oh, I'm usually the one doing that!"

Jessyka's little sister with LBB! She actually got a pic with her! A good one! LBB was really sweet. I definitely gained more respect/love for her after this weekend. Her performance was seriously amazing. :]

I always liked LBB and I am so glad I got to see her in this show. She really owns it. The whole cast was good, but she was just... idk a step above everyone or something. Her energy is crazy and she just seems to be having so much fun. She sounded perfect, too. She really brought her A-game. When she was signing, I made sure to thank her for touring on behalf of all us poor, unfortunate, midwest bway fans haha.

Jess and Cece with their autographs. 8] Jessyka has season tickets and stagedoors for every show. She said she and her friends and some cast member's family were the only people there after the Color Purple. lol poor touring casts.

Okay, not ground breaking or anything, but hopefully this will inspire some of you guys to post about your theater experiences! Remember to use the stagedoor tag! :]

*legally blonde, stage door

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