Lauren Kennedy - who co-stars in the new Off-Broadway musical Vanities - fills out's questionnaire with random facts, backstage trivia and pop culture tidbits.
- Full given name: Sara Lauren Kennedy
- Hometown: Raleigh, NC
- Zodiac sign: Virgo
- Audition song: "The Music That Makes Me Dance"
- Special skills: Tongue tricks, crazy finger folding (don't ask!)
- First Broadway show ever saw: Annie
- If you could go back in time and catch any Broadway show, what would it be? Carrie, or Smile or Oh, Calcutta.
- Current show you have been recommending to friends: In the Heights
- Favorite showtune: "Nobody's Side" (how many days did I drive around in my Bronco II in high school pretending I was Judy Kuhn or Elaine Page...who's a geek??)
- Most played song on your iPod: "I'm Yours" by Jason Mraz or "Trouble" by Ray LaMontagne
- Web obsession: Facebook
- Last book you read: Does "Fox in Socks" count?
- Must-see TV show: When the eff is "Project Runway" coming back?!
- Last good movie you saw: I have seen nothing.
- Favorite board game: Chutes and Ladders can suck it!
- Performer you would drop everything to go see: Alan Campbell
- First stage kiss: Alan Campbell in Sunset Boulevard (J/K, but I sure loved it!)
- Favorite post-show meal: I'm a big fan of Kodama. Yummy yum, sweet potato tempura role!
- How you got your Equity card: Playing Eva in Evita at The North Carolina Theatre when I was 20.
- Worst flubbed line: Well, there are a few that my Vanities cohorts will never let me live down. Like in one scene I was supposed to say "Don't worry Kathy, no matter what happens, we three have each other"...and for some reason I couldn't memorize that cause we were changing so much... so for about a week I kept saying, "as long as we're together, we'll never be apart." They would literally laugh in my face.
- Worst costume ever: I've always been really lucky in the costume department!
- Pets' names: No pets. Alan keeps telling our daughter that he is allergic to dogs...but I imagine he will magically be cured of that allergy when she turns seven.
- Favorite junk food: Parrano Cheese and Oyster Bay Sauvingon Blanc.
- Who would play you in the movie? Reese Witherspoon
- Were you a cheerleader in high school? Oh no, not a cheerleader. I was a show choir geek. We were national champions, we took it very seriously! I hope the videos don't end up on youTube. Actually, I would think it is kind of funny! I had the blondest, most enormous hair on the planet!