I'm terrible at writing reviews, but I'm going to try and write...something resembling a decent review
yesterday, March 28, 2009,
brightredday and I went to the matinee of Finian's Rainbow. I've been DYING to see them do this show, since I'm [admittedly] a huge fan of the movie version. (note: the movie version is trippy and sort of terrible. also directed by Francis Ford Coppola. word.) I've also busted out "How Are Things in Glocca Morra?" many a time. so I was terribly excited about this production. and my goodness was I not let down.
when the cast was announced, I admit I was a little surprised and disappointed. I had been hoping for Malcolm Gets as Og, for one. I love love love both Cheyenne Jackson and Kate Baldwin, but I was a little surprised when they were announced. and since I grew up with Fred Astaire as Finian, I was confused with the choice of Jim Norton as the wily old man. Alina Faye was someone I was really looking forward to, though, since I was thrilled they had cast a true ballerina as Susan. but I was hoping I'd be incredibly pleased with everyone. and I was.
Jeremy Bobb was hysterical, and his costume certainly didn't hurt. Woody is...not exactly a really dynamic character, but I just love seeing Cheyenne, and his voice certainly doesn't hurt. Jim Norton is the cutest little man I have ever seen in my entire life. and the entire ensemble was fun and dynamic and DAMN can they dance.
speaking of dance, Alina Faye did not disappoint. she is a truly gorgeous dancer. one of the highlights of the afternoon was her "Dance of the Golden Crock," with Guy Davis (son of Ruby Dee and Ossie Davis) on harmonica. now, I'm not sure I'd ever expect to see a ballet accompanied by a harmonica, and I don't think I'll ever see one again. they were allowed to create the entire dance themselves (we found out at the talk back), which probably explains why it felt so...pure and organic.
ah, and Kate Baldwin.
brightredday and I had seen her in She Loves Me at the Huntington Theater in Boston and just adored her. she really needs a role on Broadway that showcases her talent. her voice is warm and bright and emotive, and her "How Are Things in Glocca Morra" was stunning. plus, she's cute as a button.
the score is one of my favorites, even though it's a bit...all over the place. Lane kind of went all over the place and wrote in all different styles, but it's all beautiful and it works. and Harburg's lyrics are ridiculously witty. the book...winds. it winds around a bit. but you know what? I like it.
it always strikes me as funny and interesting when Encores shows are so pertinent and feel very timely, even when they were written over 60 years ago. Finian deals with economic issues (like the "beauty" of buying on credit), racism and even...immigrants causing trouble. some of the lines got laughs that they might not have gotten even a year or two ago.
also, there were 17 strings in the orchestra. it was wild.
after the show, we stayed for the talk back, which is always enjoyable and interesting. then we stage doored. I'm a complete tool at the stage door, but I did get a pic with Kate Baldwin
[she is way cuter than I am]