1. Broadway Baby - Best Overall Icon
Singin' In the Rain
emstapole 2. Life Upon the Wicked Stage - Stage Icons
hjordis 3. Let Me Entertain You - Film Icons
Sweeney Todd
crybabydina 4. Being Alive - Animated Icons
squishysquidgy 5. All That Jazz - Best Cropping
Phantom of the Opera
phantomgirl110 6. Rose Tint My World - Best Coloring
Yeston/Kopit's Phantom
phantomgirl110 7. I Should Tell You - Best Use of B'way Quotes/Lyrics
Rocky Horror
suspicion_bells 8. Climb Ev'ry Mountain - Emotional Icons
Sweeney Todd
negiramenofdoom 9. Dancing Through Life - Funny Icons
Reefer Madness
p0pst4r 10. All I Ask of You - Couple/Shippy Icons
Singin' In the Rain
emstapole 12. Masquerade - B'way Actors/Actresses Out of Character
Patti Lupone
onsunset 13. Special Category - Gender Bending
Rocky Horror