101 Things in 1001 Days

Dec 31, 2008 01:22

I've joined the community mission101_2009 and have made my list of 101 goals to be completed in 1001 days. It was really insane making this list... Marly pointed out to me that I haven't looked this far into the future since... well, ever I suppose. The fact that I'm going to be 25 when this is all finished is kind of baffling. And the goals that I set... I feel amazingly good about them. It all feels so positive. Positive in that "I don't plan on dying for the next three years" kind of way. Not only that, but I'll be belly dancing, speaking a foreign language, have a novel published... and all sorts of other things. I recommend taking a look at the community and getting together your own list. It really is a good feeling to have goals... I never knew. Ha.

When a goal is accomplished, I will check it off of this list. However... a lot of them are on going so...

  1. Finish my novel.
  2. Send my novel to a publisher when finished.
  3. Get my AA.
  4. Get a bicycle and start riding it regularly.
  5. Go a week without driving.
  6. Refrain from going out to eat for a month.
  7. Leave the country.
  8. Change my name.
  9. Start working again.
  10. Start making short films.
  11. Paint at least one piece a week.
  12. Write every night for at least half an hour.
  13. Learn to sew and make patterns.
  14. Become understandable in a foreign language.
  15. Write in my “crazy” journal at least once a week.
  16. Put together a community for the artistically inclined mentally ill.
  17. Diffuse as many fights as I can with Richard… probably by reminding us both that we’re not as mad as we think we are.
  18. Remind Richard how important he is every day.
  19. Spend a day with Richard somewhere random and accept no phone calls, no texts.
  20. Spend a day apart from Richard with no contact.
  21. Have a week where we watch whatever silly movie/tv show Richard wants.
  22. Set up my alter and pray/study every night.
  23. Start a literary magazine with Richard.
  24. Take belly dancing lessons.
  25. Quit smoking!
  26. Refrain from hurting myself for the entire 1001 days.
  27. Talk myself down from panic attacks.
  28. Be more vocal when things are bothering me.
  29. Keep a notebook on me for sudden inspiration and panic attacks.
  30. Go to the theatre more.
  31. Continue my “grief work” by writing letters to my older brother. Don’t hold back - he can’t yell at me… he’s dead.
  32. Learn to make sushi.
  33. Learn to make (better) curry.
  34. Do something with my little brother, just the two of us.
  35. Make lunch for Richard every day he goes to work.
  36. Get rid of everything that I don’t want or don’t use (regardless of whether or not I think I may use it “someday”).
  37. Take a screen printing class.
  38. Keep a dream journal.
  39. Take my medication every day, no excuses.
  40. Adopt a cat.
  41. Keep in contact with friends.
  42. Only cry over things that need crying over.
  43. Meet a hero.
  44. Donate blood.
  45. Read at least 2 NEW books a month.
  46. Accept 101 compliments graciously, and believe that they are true.
  47. Visit Julia, Olivia and Ezra more. (And make them pie!)
  48. Visit my grandmother once in a while.
  49. Go and see every movie I see a preview for and say “Huh. I want to see that.” Even if that means I see it by myself.
  50. Hang out by myself, outside of the house, once a week.
  51. Go to 2 museums I’ve never been to before.
  52. Start growing herbs.
  53. Get another tattoo.
  54. Make something pretty for a friend.
  55. Stand in front of a mirror naked and like what I see.
  56. Do more things sexually (including that thing, yes that thing).
  57. Have sex outside in the rain.
  58. Scream while I’m doing it and not care.
  59. Have a day where I’m not allowed to get sad.
  60. Walk to the library often.
  61. Empty out all of my change into a jar every day.
  62. Hike and explore the various parks and such. There are so many around here!
  63. Write letters to elected officials when things bother me, instead of just bitching about them.
  64. Don’t get involved in DRAMA that isn’t mine.
  65. Stock the kitchen full of bakeables so that I can bake whenever the mood strikes.
  66. Keep a bank ledger.
  67. Save at least $100 a month.
  68. Go camping.
  69. Spend a week without internet. (Oh the humanity)
  70. Talk on the phone to a stranger once a month.
  71. Pay the toll for the car behind me.
  72. Conquer my fear of dead bodies.
  73. Conquer my fear of Hello Kitty.
  74. Send 5 pieces to literary magazines.
  75. Learn to write html.
  76. Buy a sex toy.
  77. Learn 10 prayers/blessings/rituals by heart.
  78. See a Broadway show.
  79. Go to Disneyland.
  80. Save up and buy myself a pretty piece of clothing that I normally wouldn't buy because of the price.
  81. Look into covens, to see if I want to join.
  82. Write EVERYTHING I am going to do in my planner.
  83. Find a new place to live.
  84. Start paying off my medical bills.
  85. Write up on every book I read.
  86. Do something "daring", like sky-diving or bungee jumping.
  87. Go with Julia for a "girl's night out".
  88. No fast food for 6 months.
  89. Do what I can to have the Suisun Valley Review (my school’s literary magazine) carried in local bookstores.
  90. Go to 3 concerts                                                                                                                                                                          (I left 11 goals blank on purpose... to keep myself open to add more. 1001 days is a long time, you know.)

good days, goals, new year, future

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