Jan 09, 2007 00:07
Over the last five years, I have chronicled almost every single day of my college experience in minute detail. So long as the server archive exists, I will have the rare gift of an exhaustive history (even more so for me with the opportunity to read between the lines) of some of the most formative years of my life. At this point in my life, I feel it is important, both emotionally and professionally, to change the way I do things in this space.
At this point, I feel like I have a good job and I don't want to lose it because of something I might say in this space, especially knowing my role as a reporter for a daily newspaper puts me at least somewhat in the penumbra of the public eye. Simply put, don't expect free and open discussion of events at the Daily Press on a regular basis.
Furthermore, the whole thing feels a little tired and may be logistically impossible. I was not pleased with the way the last few weeks of the fall semester worked out as far as writing was concerned. It gets a little too sentimental at its best and at its worst was a unadorned, bare-bones assessment of a period that deserved better treatment. Also, I will probably be covering at least a game or two per week at night, and making several 5 a.m. wake-up calls to get to the office. Sleep and time will be at a premium. I've spent hours upon hours in the last five years writing against my better judgement when I should have been sleeping, and in this setting, I can't just write until 3 a.m. to get it all in.
What this all means is thus: I'm looking for advice. I have considered several options and thoughts on where to go from here. Never writing anything in this space again is not currently one of those options. However, I want to present a few ideas for you. It's shamelessly self-important to think you care, but one thing I've learned from this process (and the 1,048 comments I've received in that time span) is that there are a few people out there that read this on occasion and are interested in what I am doing and have to say.
1. Change the focus of my daily writing from long-form narratives on every day's events to shorter opinion-based musings on current events, such as sports, news and local stuff.
2. Keep doing a more abridged version of what I'm doing now, but restricting access to friends-only.
3. A combination of 1 and 2 that is not as regularly updated (weekly, perhaps?), which keeps people updated, but maintains my beauty sleep.
4. Some other idea I haven't thought of.
I appreciate your thoughts and the minutes you've invested into finding more about me and my relatively insignificant existence. I'll probably keep on with the current style for at least a few more days as I think about where to go from here. Again, thanks for listening and please let me know what you think.