(no subject)

Oct 16, 2014 19:35

Argh! I can't even write a PWP anymore!

(Porn Without Plot)

It turns into something deep and meaningful about emotions and not what you want when your idea (the first turn-me-on horny-porny writey-writey feeling in years) was - uh - possibly slightly (very) OOC

[Out of Character]

...that's it: the Mirror Universe version of Captain America

[comic verse]

[nsfw or sanity]Captain America with... fuck it... Cap/Quentin non-con/cock-sucking fic...

[I said Mirror Universe]

...and then I get all inner-psychology about Quentin...

in two different drafts of the bloody thing...

the Other Problem is that it is Really Good Psychological Stuff

Nobody else has thought themselves into the mind of Quentin Quire like I have [this may be a good thing] but doubtless Quentin has thought himself into my mind and your minds and any other minds in the vicinity.

And if I actually made it _work_ who in their right mind would beta it?

writing angst, fanfiction babble, writing dirty stories

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