Nice and Toasty

Nov 28, 2012 17:00

I've got back from "work" after 28 "actually quite nice" seven year-old kids and some "really annoying" mother/helpers. I'm not sure why I put the last bit in speech-marks. They are really annoying. There are good mummies and daddies and then there are the other mummies and daddies.

Today's "really annoying" mother/helper decided that the group shouldn't relocate to the next activity section, because one of the kids had "only" three lines left to complete. Then "helped" kids buying souvenirs -- you could buy that or you could get three of these and one of those and how about getting one of them. *fail* *frantic fail*

So, now I'm home and surprisingly roasty - toasty and feeling pretty good.

archaeology on mars, the wonderful world of volunteering

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