inevitable response post (spoilers cut - hopefully)

Jan 03, 2009 18:47

Trying to do an intelligent response for the inevitable reaction post.

Currently tied in knots with my (solitary, pre-internet, Doctor Who Magazine reading teenage self) connection with Who and how Confidential does not do it for me to start with. The vague lack of information and too much generalisation are bad enough without the pop montages.

I can (most of the time) forgive sixth-former analyses if there is actual material there for me to engage with instead of specious clips. I knew it was bad when they said the youngest Doctor ever. I tried to brace myself a bit.

What I couldn't deal with was casting an actual pretentious sixth-former with a serious case of soufle thinking and too many "You knows" in any one sentence. And then there is the physical, he looks like a a photofit Tennant and not a particularly convincing one at that. The "Ruby in the Smoke" clips did very little to calm my trepidations; terrifying mockney and moving like somebody who has just recovered from being knocked unconscious. Given "Ruby in the Smoke" his part might just be that.

What is getting to me is that I actually like Moffatt a lot and think he will do smart and clever things with the series and build up to a "big reveal" that makes sense for a change. I can't help feeling like he has shot himself in the foot with this one.

I hear there are rumours that it was an eleventh hour switch of actor, which doesn't bode very well whatever way you take it.

fandom ranting, doctor who, dr who, things that scare me about everything, david tennant

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