Ickometer | Morph | Request for finger crossing | Still long distance lurking on the interwebs front

Jul 16, 2008 20:21


"Work" was a bit of a rollercoaster today. At one point, I got very upset. I also proved myself very good at giving three twenty-minute talks one after the other; my colleagues were very impressed. Also: I did a strawpoll on what is most "icky" garum or bones?

(Uh, 3 said bones, but 9 said garum. Garum is a sauce made out of fermented fish and the hot ingredient in Roman cuisine. If I have my aukestrel right (uh, the Gus/Johnny one, the really good one**) the Icelanders have the rotten-fish batton in the form of buired shark fin. Yummers)

Also, find washing makes me think of Morph and his pet nailbrush*

I applied for a job on Monday and today was phoned with an interview for Friday. *blinks in disbelief* And I know I can do this job. And I have a reasonable-ish chance.

Internet connection is still more than a little odd and bbd is fretting about quotas and bandwidth as he points out to Company 3 that their FAQ contradicts their claims re: one month only (i.e. no, contrary to what they said earlier). So, not a lot of web presence right now (and that makes me think about Flatland. Imagine me as A Sphere but currently very small and circular as I don't penetrate Flatland*** very much.

P.S. Since going to the cafe in Dover, I have had that new Coldplay song in my head all day.

*Morph. If I said Tony Hart or Vision On, that would mean nothing, right, non Brits? Morph was a claymation short slotted into BBC art programmes. A little brown plasticene man who live in Tony Hart's pencil box. He has a really stupid friend called Chas. A pet nail-brush. And oh yes, he can change shape and phase through the counter. Tony Hart is a national treasure and still (afik) going strong and opening the occasional fete.

**Uh six degrees of due south, Augustus Knickel from Buried on Sunday, which scores well in the Canadian filmic wtf-stakes in places, in short, Paul Gross playing a hot vaguely Lutheran pastor who got it on with the most befuddling romance I have ever seen in film. But he looked very hot in it. Are you with me? Augustus is slashed with Johnny, Callum Keith Rennie playing a not!evil hockey coach. I think you can tell where that is heading...

***The Story of A Circle and how it encounters three dimensions. Bonus fact: Samuel Butler also published a paper on how Homer was really a woman living in Sicily.

nostalgia, six degrees, the wonderful world of employment

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