May 11, 2008 14:45
In a brane way, the last couple of days have not been good, lucid: yes, painful: yes. Thank god for cross-stitch. It is a very good distraction.
Other than that: have been fighting it out with software for new mp3 player. Annoyingly, it imported all my system beeps, tinkles, and sims muzak. Also, it seems massively counter-intuitive and just plain annoying.
I picked up part one of "Feast of the Drowned", a Doctor Who audio free with the Radio Times, has anybody got a part two to spare? I want to cheer up the brother, who is having a tough exam-filled time.
Still haven't watched part two of the Snotarans. (I am twelve. Sontarans really). But I did see this week's Who. Maybe I was distracted by new embriodery floss, but it was not squee-ful. Good, yes. Squee, no. Uh, and if they are all twenty generations along, why are they run by an old guy (who clearly is not [spoiler] since he can't remember what the [spoiler] really was).
ETA: anyone got suggestions/links on caring for a sadly neglected bicycle?
mp3 madness,
doctor who,