In which I actually talk about writing, which is not as good as writing, but is a step in the right

Feb 15, 2008 15:59

I have oodles of new notes, yet I am still hesitating with regard to doing some actual writing for On the Inside I'm A Poet. It's driving me nuts, the fear that I might open the file and find that it's garbage is head-to-head with the frustration that I need to write, dammit. (And now the fear has latched onto the weird HCL ficlet I used to scare c_regalis).

But still, seems reasonably stable again, so I cleared out the backlog of linkies.

Then I researched whether (as I thought) the big dipper points to the northstar (the answer is yes) and tried to post-it note a slightly wonky drawing to my body to help me with this thing:
When she was at college, Stella had a small constellation of stars tattooed on her hip. She hasn't got rid of them. The north star can always tell you where you are going.

A strange bit of personal canon I found myself writing for malnpudl. It might show that I am more than mildly kinked for ink, or that it is one of the hang-ups of the story. (For some reason, I cannot imagine a tattoo'ed Vecchio, well, Ray at least, I could see Frannie considering some little stars and then worrying about her ma seeing them...)

I am also trying in my notes to address balancing issues. Really, because Vecchio/Stella is just as important as Turnbull/Kowalski in this story and I've failed to acknowledge that, a lot of plot hangs over their heads and they deserve a proper commitment to their story (besides, the ending was not working on the long draft for a reason) only, I have only written het a grand total of once and that is not online (ever ever) and it was a bit oblique and X-men, and Stacy X/Kurt.

I need to make myself a poet icon as well, just so you can see these things coming. I used my studious!Vecchio icon for all of my work on the bfp (aka episodic romance) and he wasn't even barely in it. I should ask lipstickcat about her manip and if we can get it more square and boxy.

writing angst, on the inside i'm a poet, due south, stella, writing

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