This is my first ever on-the-number drabble. It's death!fic, and nearly got called Proper Proceedure but I thought that would be over-egging the pudding somewhat. The see-sawing tenses are quite intentional.
Hey, it got me out of bed, what more do you want?
It was remarkably simple once he’d found the appropriate book. Simple mechanical mathematics. And he’d always been good at mathematics; it’s just another kind of procedure.
And he’d written everything down, that was procedure as well.
And he tied the loose end of the rope to the rafters of the dog-shed in the prescribed manner. Procedure again, everything was about procedure.
His whole life has been led according to proper procedure, and it has taken him until now to recognise it for the hollow thing it is. Soon, procedure ends forever.
And then he kicks away the ladder beneath him.