Mumness has got into the holiday spirit by reading up on all those alternative remedies which are menat to stop the mosquitoes biting us while we're in Spain (last holiday, mumness got a large infected bite on her ankle and ended up having it cut open and somethered in iodine by a nice greek doctor), so it's garlic and thaimin tablets all round. With a handy notice since three out of four of this household would forget their heads if the weren't attache by their, uh wahet is it? The note says:
Take these every day or the mozzies will bite (your bum?)
Of course writing something like that is asking for trouble:
And then mummy will have to kiss it better, mine first!
The BBD has struck again.
Other news, feeling lousy and wondering why nobody seems to have read more vampire!kurt, which I have sweated blood over.
Other other news:
papajoemambo is a canadian comic-book-vending angel.