Fanfiction Meme

Jul 20, 2005 17:07

Gacked from mondschein1

1: Name your ten favourite titles from stories you've written (or, if you're not a writer, just name your ten favourite titles).

I'm assuming that means written, finished, not written, wip.
In no particular order:

Once Bitten (and I'm going to stick Twice Shy in with it), since it is the most perfect title for a vampire fic ever. And then some.

Roses Mixed With Blood, the last thing I've posted lately, and once again, a lovely title with a good image attached.

Fortitude because the title alone is enough to give every dS fan on the planet the heebie jeebies.

The Song Of The Heir Of Destiny, AFIK, barely any members of the human race read it, but I thought it was a nicely forboding title, even if it kind of gave away what was going on.

Hello Darkness I so shouldn't put a dead fic in here (well it may rise again, but I wouldn't count on it), but I love the title. It was all plotted in my head at one point, and would have had a sequel called Speed Of Dark. It was going to be the fic that set up Orpheus Returns.

Valentine's Mourning because it frankly is just a killer title, for a murder mystery type fic.

Arghh! This is really hard.

Happy Homecomings for the irony which would become apparent if it stopped being stalled. And my inner Northstar and Bobby got jumpstarted.

Aliens (Not Quite) Made Them Do It Self explanatory.

Last Thoughts Of A Dying Canadian Speedster because it takes off a song shadowkittracey once played to me.

Why We Do The Things That We Do the most fannish title ever, and a pseudo sequel to New Mutants Annual 2, Why Do We Do The Things That We Do?

2: If you happen to be working on some creative writing project, fanfiction or NaNoWriMo or what have you, post exactly one sentence/paragraph/whatever from each of your current work(s) in progress in your journal. It should probably be your favorite or most intriguing sentence so far, but what you choose is entirely your discretion. Mention the title (and genre) if you like, but don't mention anything else -- this is merely to whet the general appetite for your forthcoming work(s).

If I did that, it could take a very long time. I have a lot of wips of various degrees of likely to see the light of day-ness.

Due South: Madame Vespa

But, there were still conventions she had to adhere to and taking on a name appropriate to her profession was one of them. So to clients and visitors alike, Vanessa Jones was Madame Vespa. She never had the heart to tell them that she’s chosen it in the fond memory of her first real boyfriend’s preferred mode of transportation, a lime green vespa, the same one that she had her first kiss on, lost her virginity against (something that in retrospect she felt betrayed unhealthy things about Zeph’s psychological make-up, and set her upon her chosen career when he crashed it into one of the pylons holding up the train track overhead. That was the day she found her calling.

Due South (again): Futility Of Duty

Benton, the angel reminded him of Benton, that same unknowing quality, a refusal to accept the world as it is, rather concentrating on what, when you came down to it, it is not. All lofty ideals and not a jot of common sense, the same refusal to face reality, and here reality could get you killed. In heaven, he didn’t know, somebody had to wash all those white frocks. White is terrible for stains like that, and attracts polar bears if you’re not careful. “Look, son, there are times when you can’t do your duty, when you can’t follow your orders or your heart, and, yes, those times hurt, but you get over them, you move on to the next thing and do your goddamn best never to look back.” doneroonie, finito!

Due South (yet again): North North West
Yes, I know, I have an appalling record with wips. And some of you are willing to kill me for this one.

His father gave him a name he hated, a name chosen purely to reflect his own obsessions, a name that fit his son like I fit this mound of nylon and fluff that they call a coat. I would die for my Armani now, for my sleek black pure wool overcoat that moves as I do, moves with my soul. I would die, right. I would die if I wore that up here, up in this land of ice. He had a name that never fit, is that why he stole mine, so he could be a real Ray?

Planetary (yes you read right) The Sound Of The Oncoming Storm:

“Yes, Germany is a very strong country.”

Notice how I didn’t say, “In the grip of a dictator who makes my uncle Caleb look sane (and he was never the same after he tried to cook up moonshine out of turnip peelings) and sounds like he’s been taking lessons out of The Conspiracy’s chapbook.”

Authority: The Ones You Love (which I will finish for Min someday)
One of the few bits that doesn't give away the entire freakiing plot.

I’m not spending this time out on the town, living the life of Riley, ‘course if I tried, it would not really have much charm, as alcohol just tastes pretty now, and looks pretty too, if you’re downing Sea breezes and Margaritas. So you expect me to drink moonshine whisky and smoke cigars? I’m not that kind of tough guy. For starters, I’m not a tough guy, I’m a bastard. Sure, the opposition are bastards, but who bastards the bastards, to quote a little Latin. I was made to be unstoppable, I’m immune to poison, and when you get down to it, that’s your little drink after work with the boys. doneroonie.

I don't think I'm really going to get into all the X-fics on my harddisk, since I really am appalling at getting things doneroonie.

Actually, this meme is quite scary since it tells me exactly how many wips I've got, which is very scary indeed.

n-n-w, north-north-west, memes and other nonsence, x-men, due south fanfiction, paul gross, fanfiction, meta-ish discussion, the authority, x-men fanfiction

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