Dare I ask, what's next?

May 27, 2009 10:23

So my last post about my health, the count was 2 boils. Well as the 2nd one was finally oozing, I got 2 more staph infections. This time on my left leg. Apparently, I wasn't going to be walking right for a month or more (har har har). These 2 were about 3 inches from each other. Painful as hell. This time though, I had medical insurance. I go to the docs and he is like, wow.. I haven't seen an infection that big since medical school. Not a great thing to hear. He pokes and puss just ooooozes out.... yuck.

He gives me anti-bods. YEAH FOR ME.

Well Monday I finished my anti bods. I have never had an allergic reaction to any meds my entire life. Well guess what. Sunday, I had a fever of 100.7. Monday my fever rose to 101.7. I have a heat rash over my entire body. All from the meds to stop getting more staph.

Maybe it is a sign that I shouldn't be living up here in the north west.

So now I am finished with my anti-bods. I am happy to report at this time, I have zero staph infections. I am taking claritin and advil like clock work to fight off this allergic reaction.

And by the way, I hate taking medicine. And if that is not all comedy, the rash iches... and it makes me look all sun burnt. Fucking joy

Go me.
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