Topic Post!

Sep 11, 2005 03:44

Okay like I said, I'm doing this topic post thing whether you guys like it or not. Just cuz this is my journal and you're all up in my space! lol. I guess since i'm doing a topic (submitted by people sorta thing)... You guys could call me Mr.Buzz as my alias. Buahaha, like in all of those magazines with strangers consulting the opinions of well...strangers lol. Anyways, here I go!


Okay, so let's review (no, not school stuff...get the idea out of your head! this is about my friend. Not some school education bull. lol.)

Synopsis: A person realizes they have feelings more than just friendship for their best friend. Once these new emotions come to surface, the significant other says, " I can't do this right now" and denies any real significance behind this new situation.

Drama anyone? lol, I'm jk. In fact, this situation just sucks to be in. Let's face the facts... what makes this situation hurt so much is that it brings some hidden truth to surface. This is true for both sides of the story. By admitting these newfound feelings to a best friend/significant other, the pair (two persons) first and foremost openly admits that some things were hidden from each other. Of course, the two most apparent options for reaction would be acceptance or denial. In this case, the best friend opted for denial.

Before analyzing this further, lemme just point out a couple of things. The person who initiated the conversation must realize the situation they put the other in. It may not just be the case as to what's actually there...but it may just be about what's best for right now. Since the person said, "I can't do this right now," it can imply a couple of things (keep in mind that this could be taken out of context because of the probable hecticness of the situation, but I'm working with what I get). The bf/so (best friend/significant other) could be having other problems right now. Sure, it may not be what someone might want to hear... but this is new grounds. By introducing a relationship into a stable (7 or so year) friendship, you can already guess that the safe haven type qualities a friendship may have could be put to the test. I mean, maybe they just really need a best friend right now? And if that's the case, hang tight!

Oh yah, another thing tricky about turning a best friend thing into a relationship is what could be the outcome. I mean, maybe the bf/so doesn't want to risk this long-lasting friendship on something unsure (especially when it comes down to something to be unsure of when it includes someone you know so well). It's just... a really awkward position to be in, for either of the persons.

At this moment, the informationg I was given doesn't conclude any particular outcome. In this situation, it's mainly important for the initiator to remember to be best friends first (unless things progress in the romantic direction lol). Also, if you really want to get to the root of anything, you needa find out exactly why they "can't do this right now." Just remember that they specify right now instead of any other choice of words.

Oh yah, before I forget to mention... you do have a couple of the answers you need already. You said that they don't believe you're serious about this. I guess, the real question would be, what would they feel if they knew you were serious?... It may be a hard time right now when you feel like you're losing control, but you just need to remember to ask yourself the right questions. Answers are half the battle, and actions make up the rest. Remember! Best friends first for now! Even though it may be excruciatingly hard.


Hmm, maybe I point out the obvious...but hey, people tend to see things from a different perspective if they are the ones holding the reigns of life.

I gave it a shot people!

Like I said, give me any topic and I'll lend my thoughts.
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