Tissues vs Hankies

Sep 06, 2007 23:16

So here's an interesting question:

Which is better for the environment... tissues, or handkerchiefs?

I am having a conversation with my inner selves. Let's call them Inner Self A (ISA) and Inner Self B (ISB).

ISA: Kleenex. It's made from paper. Even if it's recycled, it's still chopping down trees. It's not even recycle-able! You blow your nose on it, it's not like you can stick it in the recycling bin.

ISB: Yeah, hankies are so much better. Reusable, you know. All you have to do is wash them.

ISA: Hmm... washing uses a lot of water though. We're Australian inner selves, let's not forget. If' there's a country that's concerned with water conservation, it's Australia. What's better - wasting paper or wasting water?

ISB: I hear ya. You need water to grow the trees to chop down to make the tissues though. So they're wasting paper and water.

ISA: True... but maybe it's worth it. Just keep in mind, before they get chopped to make tissues, those trees are sucking carbon dioxide, nitrous oxides and other greenhouse gases out of the atmosphere. Maybe it's worth it to have trees live for five to ten years, decreasing pollution, before chopping them down and replanting. Maybe it's worth the water. Does one outweigh the other?

ISB: Wow, I totally didn't think about it that way. I mean, I think that water wastage is minimal with hankies anyway, cos they take up so little space in the washing machine, you'd probably just tuck them in with other things. However, is it better to use tissues? Maybe the trees are worth it.

ISA: Yeah, and don't forget, hankies are made out of cotton. Cotton is the most water-intensive crop we have... 25% of water used on crops, goes on cotton. Of course, cotton is a popular crop, so I don't know how good a comparison that is...

ISB: Still... dang, that's a hard question. Let's weigh up the pros and cons.

Not renewable or recycleable
Chop down trees
Trees need water to grow
Trees remove air pollution

Renewable and reusable
Wash to reuse
Washing wastes water, but water wastage would be minimal
Reduces need for trees, potentially decrease air pollution management

So who is right? ISA or ISB? Tissues or Hankies?

I have no idea. Does anyone know? Can anyone point me in the right direction? Give an opinion, even? Which is actually better, in the long run, looking at the big picture?


...or Hankies??

eco-friendly lifestyles, environmentalism, water

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