blob blob blob

Mar 17, 2004 01:56


Well, I am kinda bored. It's late and I have to get up early in the morning (well, 8:00am is early for me!) to go to a lecture, so I really should be in bed... but I am in too much of a blobby mood to even be bothered getting up out of the chair to go to bed. I am pretty crap, hey?

I ate some food, so at least I'm not hungry anymore. I had French Vanilla yoghurt... not as good as my old favourite, Honey Buzz, but still pretty good. Of course, after I had put it into the bowl, something made me wonder what it would taste like mixed with chocolate topping. I tried a little bit on a spoon... nah. It wasn't as good as I thought it would be. So then I tried some milo with it. That was better, but still not the best. Then it occurred to me to wonder just what it would be like to eat blue yoghurt. After eyeing off the food colouring for a little while, I decided that I should just go and sit down away from Her Majesty the Whingy Cat, who wanted my yoghurt cos it's her favourite food, and eat my yoghurt plain. I ate a few spoonfuls of milo, then put that away and went and ate. I quite liked it plain, so I think that was a good plan.

I guess it is kind of sad that I think about making everything I eat taste like chcoolate. I can't help it though, these thoughts just pop into my head! I thought about it earlier and I decided that I am officially the biggest chocoholic I know. K, you're coming second... although it's not a close second, admittedly... I don't think I have met anyone yet who can rival the levels of my chocolate consumption. Although, if I got Jun and some peanut butter cups and locked them in a room together, I think that she might challenge me...

My eyes are starting to close now, so I may actually have to go to bed... maybe that was my plan all along, just to type til I got tired enough to get off my lazy arse and get into bed. Great, now I'm making subconscious plans as well... I had enough trouble understanding and taking note of my conscious ones. LOL

Ok, it's bed time for me, and for Miss Cle, who has eaten the last bits of yoghurt, and is now sitting in her usual spot, on my left shoulder... although not flicking her tail today, by some small miracle.

No! I spoke too soon about the tail!

She only flicks it when she wants hard pats... and NO she's not a masochist. I don't think... *wink*

God, I'm dribbling shit because I'm buggered. I will write something coherent shortly, ok?

cats, food, university, ramble, procrastination

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