Profound and drunk? An oxymoron??

Feb 09, 2005 22:34

somebody tooooooooooo loooo-ooooooveeee......
find me somebody tooooo love
find me somebody toooo love
find me somebody somebody somebody ....

Drunk and singing Queen!!

Jun, Alex and Scott off with the fairies on the verandah talking about various sexual things. Always sexual things with those three.

I like sex. Can't have sex now though. Stuck in the land of celibacy til with Kari again... boo hoo hoo. Never mind. I'm sure I'll deal.

Know I'm blithering on. Know people will read this. Drunk now so don't care. Usually would care. Will probably care in the morning.

They all want me to come sit on the verandah with them and chat about sexual exploits. Think Jun is trying to get Scott to tell her about his sexual exploits. Alex and I already know them. He told me when he was sober and Alex when he was pissed as a tart. Poor dear Otty, can't keep a damned thing in when pickled.

Want to write something profound but can't think of anything right now. Sure something will come to me in the dead of the night when I'm half asleep. Always happens that way and I'm always forgetting to put a notepad and pencil by my bed for such emergencies.

Need more reisling. Quite good wine for stuff from a box.

Then again, things from boxes tend to be quite good.

That was lame. Wasn't profound at all, just dirty. Rude me. No self control when drunk. Thank goodness I don't have to worry about cheating on Kari. Don't think I could go back now. She complements me so perfectly that I don't want anyone else.

Was that too much information?? Possibly so. Oops!!

Feeling ridiculous and still waiting for profundity to strike. Will it ever come?

Want to be boring. Jun wanted to give me an intervention (with Kiri) when I came back from America as I was too boring.

I'm missing my boringness. I wish I was snuggled in bed with Kari, waiting for Josh to hurry up in the shower, Ed nosing us for attention and the cats curled on the end of the bed. I miss family life.. my own family, family as an adult, not as a child. Because no matter how old I get I'll always be a child, the child, one of the children, in my original family. I like the family of my choosing. I like the family of my origin as well... dont' get me wrong. I just... I want my life to be as I want it. Distance is evil.

Many things are evil. I dont' think EVIL is one thing. I think evil is individual to each person. I think evil changes and transforms as you grow and evolve as a person. Like free will. Or rather, my understanding of the concept of free will. I used to think Free Will, as decreed by God, was similar to a road map. God knew the map and knew the paths you could take but you chose where you went. I don't believe that now. Now I think it's more like the way a parent is with a child. You know taht so the child can learn and grow that you must offer them choices. You need to help them learn how to make decisions, you need to give them the opportunity to learn for themselves... constructivism. However, you know that child so well that you have a pretty good idea of the choice they're going to make. It's like offering a child icecream or spinach and letting them choose. You know what they will choose but you must give them the choice anyway. It's almost like an illusion of a choice as you know what they will choose before you offer the choice, but technically it's not as you are offering the choice and they could choose differently but their fundamental make-up means that they will not. Without even considering it you know they will choose the icecream. God knows us infinitely better than a child can know a parent or a parent can know a child, and so for him, the knowledge of what our choices will be is even greater. We always have the choice... but God knows us so well he always knows what we will choose. Hence we have free will, but God knows exactly what our life will be before we even live it. That's not to say that the road map doesn't exist still. I believe it does still, in infinite possibilities, travelling paths altered by major decisions (like who to make our life partner or which uni to go to) to the tiniest little choices that you dont' even think about, like when to eat at which restaurant or which shirt to wear each day. Each path is different and is a different dimension. God knows them all. Chaos theory-o-rama.

Was that profound enough?? *chuckles*

I love Karisita.

Some things I know. Even though there is much that I don't know, and much that I want but am uncertain about there are a few truths which are self-evident and which I am sure of. Loving Kari is one of them. While I can't possibly have the foresight to say that we will be together forever, I hope that we will be and I will make every endeavour to ensure that is so. Even if we dont' stay together forever, I'm a mother now, I guess so I have lifelong responsibilities that will be for ever.

I'm blithering now. Must go and grow a brain.

spirituality, alcohol, family, ramble, pets, kari, religion, friends, parenting, cats, dogs, relationships, sex, josh

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