Let it be known henceforth that there is a Game of Rare Device planned, and that the subject of this Game IS the deeds, both Brave and Bloody, of a most Notorious group of Pyrates.
Let it be further known that this Contrivance is the Plan of a Maid, call'd Kendra, self-styled Master of the Game.
Let it be further known that this game shall occur in good time, on a February Saturday, the 23rd of the aforementioned month.
Let it be further known that this Game be planned for the Hours of Daylight, beginning at One past the Meridian, so as not to cause any calamitous Occurrences with other Games.
Let it be further known that there is a wiki to be found at
http://devilsdue.pbwiki.org/, and that this address contains divers strange and diverting Facts.
The favor of quick Reply is requested from those who may wish to play.
The Devil's Due is a convention-style game. There is a character list at the wiki. Folks who would like to play, send me your TOP THREE choices of character, and I will try to make sure you get one of them. If you have a really bangin' idea for a character, send me an e-mail at buzzermccain@gmail.com, and I'll see what I can do toward working it in or adapting one of the existing characters or adding a new one.
If we get tons more people interested than I expect (what with being a relative newcomer to the Chicago scene and all) I can expand this game pretty easily- it is adapted from an older game I ran some years back for around 30 people, so don't be afraid to spread the wiki and/or my e-mail to other folks you think might have an interest. I'll just scale up if necessary.
That's pretty much it. Just e-mail me with any questions.
The Devil's Due
Saturday, February 23rd
1-5:30 P.M.
UIC Student Center East Dance Studio
(This probably looks familiar to some folks- it is an update of my pirate game written a few years ago. However, it is substantially changed, so anyone who wants to make the trek up here will probably have a good time, even if you played in its predecessor. First come, first serve on the couch and futon, though.)