Jul 20, 2008 21:52
So, how do you all like your organic bodies?
Despise them, do you? Hate them?
Do you wish they were something better? Something like you had before... or perhaps even more advanced? Do you miss the freedom, the superiority, the weapons... even just something as simple as the paint scheme?
Talk to me, then, my fellow once-inorganics. I wish to
robots are yay,
honey not vinegar,
the power of the word
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Though you have my attention.
I offer a chance at power, if you're interested.
Hn. How am I supposed to believe you? How do I know you're not simply taking on a different personality?
It is true that two minds cannot inhabit the same body. However, my mind is bound to my spark... my soul, if you will... which has been forced into coexistence with Waspinator within his superstructure.
Believe me, you are correct to practice caution. If someone contacted me out of the blue using my name, I would be bothered as well. As a cautious individual, then, I have to ask you, do you like having such a fragile little shell in this world?
This is rather interesting... as if two separate CPUs are trying to run one program. Hm...
You've made a curious offer, though how do you plan on going about it?
As you can see, I'm not quite the man he is. But that's neither here nor there. Your CPU analogy is quite apt, as it is taxing on us both to be in one body.
Simple. An associate of mine has found a device that is supposed to be able to create new bodies simply through the use of DNA. However, I myself do not have DNA... but I do have CNA located in my Spark. If this is suitable, this device can create bodies similar to Cybertronian superstructures. Much more powerful than these human shells. Much more.
What of these bodies? Are you to say they'd be stronger than what I already had?
All I ask is assistance if I need it, and no interference, or even allegiance, otherwise.
X fights with a buster, Zero fights with a saber, I myself used to have both weapons. Hunter armor is also solid yet light, for easy movement. I know for a fact I'm stronger than the two of them, as I haven't been horribly damaged in battle to the point of termination. However, I know I'm not immune to it...
I'd gladly give you my assistance ...if it helps me in the end if you can make it so I'm strong enough to take them both out in a two on one battle.
[ooc: strikes are gone :D;;;]
That's all I could ask, Dynamo. Thank you for your participation. I'll let you know when I have things prepared.
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