I'm going to be in Melbourne this Tuesday July 26 for Snowman's Interpol show if there's anyone around that wants to hang out. I may or may not be in Sydney on the 29th / 31st too.
Snowman's full tour thus:
21/07 Metropolis (Fremantle)
22/07 Heaven (Adelaide)
26/07 Metro Nightclub (Melbourne)
27/07 Metro Nightclub (Melbourne)
29/07 Enmore Theatre (Sydney)
31/07 Enmore Theatre (Sydney)
03/08 Curtin University Guild Day (Perth)
11/08 Leopold Hotel (Fremantle)
12/08 Pemberton Rec Centre (Pemberton, All Ages)
13/08 3 Bears Bar (Dunsborough)
14/08 Paddington Ale House (Perth)
18/08 Macquarie University (North Ryde)
19/08 Prince of Wales (Melbourne)
20/08 Wrest Point (Hobart)
21/08 Soma Bar (Geelong)
25/08 Wollongong University (Wollongong)
26/08 The Gaelic Club (Sydney)
27/08 Mona Vale Hotel (Mona Vale)
01/09 Uni Bar on the Hill (Newcastle)
02/09 ANU Bar (Canberra)
03/09 Adelaide University (Adelaide)