Jun 24, 2005 16:30
hey everyone.
arg, im going out of town again. im going to my family reunion in Danbury TX. which is like 60 miles from here so its not really that far away, but im still leaving again. i'll be back sunday afternoon though so thats a plus and im bringing my laptop and hopefully getting to use it this time. grrr at corpus christi stupid hotels. teehee
HEY!!! when i get back on sunday we should all go to the movies!!! i've already talked to ash about it and so whoever wants to go sunday night call either her or me or leave a comment here and yeah, thats how that works! lol.
OMG i just got the best ringtone on my phone. i dont know who its by but its called "til the end" and it sounds soooo awesome. so yeah, whenever anyone calls me it goes off and i'm like Woohoo! teehee. im listening to it right now! ohlala
shhhh im just a little hyper right now in case you couldnt tell!!! AHHH! hahaha
i just got back from the mall with chelsea. she went with me to spend my gift cards to Dillards and Bath and Body Works. so heres what i got...
Dillards: Tommy Girl Summer perfume. it smells soooo pretty (hope ken will like it, cuz if he doesnt then, tough cookies cuz im wearing it no matter what! teehee) i so mean!
B&BW: a cucumber mellon candle and room spray and then some Pearberry shower gel! yum! my 2 favorite smells from that store! so yeah, my gift cards are byebye.
and lets see what else did we do? ummm... we went and got dinner. she bought me a pocket pita (yum) and she got a baked potato and then we stopped by adn said to rachel at work and then chelsea had to go change for work. so i came home and thats where i am now. im packed up except for my laptop and then once my parents are ready we are leaving... hey thats now!
later guys!
<3 ya
.:~:. britt .:~:.