Apr 19, 2005 23:33
so today was TAKS and we didnt have to be there until 10:49... but 11 on our clocks cuz TAKS always runs late... apparently the bell didnt ring until 11:30.. but w/e... me and dani didnt go cuz our teachers were like "as long as you jsut check in then thats fine since we arent doing anything"... so we did...then we went up to spring high and left both luke and jon notes on their cars. luke got his note but apparently little miss elizabeth took jons note before he could read it and so that pissed me and dani off... alot."lalalalalala... watch out!" muahahahaha! cute but evil! =D
then we went to the woodlands mall cuz i was looking for some t-shoes that i didnt find so i bought a pair of sunglasses and some earrings... and a purse and a shirt... well technically the purse and shirt are from deerbrook when i made luke go shopping with me when dani had sectionals... so =)
neways... so on our way back from the woodlands we decided to stop by ians and leave them another note that said "to our spring guys: We FUCKING love you! <3 dani and bitney" teehee
the rest of the afternoon was basically spent at ians with him, stephen, dani, luke, toree and then jon came over later... or at chilis! yummy chicken krispers! mmmmmm! but they made my tummy hurt so ouchies for that.
jon got me Bawls(the energy caffine drink) from compUSA today! that was exciting... so chelsea: you need to have one. they are really good!
okay... well i must go now.
<3 you all berry berry much!
-:¦:- britt-knee bug