Now for something completely different.

Oct 24, 2007 14:39

Away from politics, I immensely enjoyed the Labour weekend just gone. I didn't do *anything* exciting, just stayed at home. But that was pretty much the point.

Since I moved into my new place at the end of September the spring storms have really been hitting New Zealand, hard. I've posted before about the wind at my new house - I've been trying to keep philosophical about it, trying to accept that the wind is the price I have to pay for a million dollar view. But, it's been hard, hard being kept awake at night, hard seeing my cat so unsettled.

However, over Labour weekend, Wellington somehow got lucky and got fine calm days. When the wind rose it was mostly at night, and mostly pretty mild. So I got to spend the long weekend with all the windows and doors open, and spent many an hour enjoying the sun on my huge deck overlooking Owhiro valley, soaking up the sun.

But the best experience has seeing Cypher settle fully into the new place. He's no longer spending all his nights guarding the cat door. He's back into his normal habits of roaming outside from sundown until about midnight, then again after getting his breakfast until mid afternoon. He's found places to sleep outside, never far from the house - if I move around, open a window, bang a cupboard he'll often trot inside to see if something of interest is going on - just like he always used to do at my old house.

His wounds from the various cat fights of recent weeks have all healed cleanly; no infections or absceses. Just a big new scar in front of his left ear - sort rugged and manly, I guess.

Clearly, he's established some dominance, some control of the house and it's environs. He's now the top cat, and feels a lot more relaxed. I've even seen him socialise in a friendly manner with local cats in the last few days - a peaceful balance has been struck in this little cul-de-sac.

It's come at a cost, though - one I feel a bit distressed about as a cat owner and a cat lover. There was this one local cat in particular was causing my cat stress and injury - this one would lurk around the cat door, attacking him when he went inside, chasing him home when he'd sneak outside to go toilet. This one would be the one hot on his heels when he'd hide inside with a new scratch or missing patch of fur.

When I last saw this cat, on Sunday, it had a very large and nasty wound on it's face. I just know, I *know* that this wound must be one reason why Cypher's so relaxed - my cat won the battle, perhaps the war. He earned some wounds and scars, but the other guy came out worse.

But I feel guilty, knowing the worry and cost this wound has probably caused for the other cat's owners. But, then I wonder - would they be feeling guilty if Cypher had been the one to lose?

And I feel proud, proud at my little boy for standing up for himself and his new home.

Finally, I feel relieved that both my cat and his rival are both neutered. I would've dreaded to see where this battle for dominance would've ended up if one or both of them was still a breeding male.

life, cypher

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