It's occurred to me that the endless deluge of spam into my mailbox is only happening because of the blindingly simple fact that it works. It works because some moron, some where, actually clicks through and buys stuff from spammers.
Spammers aren't stupid. They're obviously morally corrupt but they're not dumb. If it didn't work, they'd stop doing it. If there was no money in it I doubt the majority of egregious offenders would soldier on because they like the work.
So, let's start a movement. From this moment henceforth: nobody ever clicks on a link from a spammer. Nobody buys anything from a spammer. Ever. Again. A global pinkie-swear, if that's what it takes.
All you need to do to join this world-wide wave is to raise your right hand, right now, and state the following aloud in a clear, resounding voice (preferably with conviction):
I (state your name),
(Now, actually say your name, you cheeky monkey. We've all seen BLAZING SADDLES.)
Do hereby solemnly swear that I will not, from this day forth, open spam.
I will not click on links contained in spam or be baited by phish-mongers.
I will absolutely never, under penalty of my eyeballs melting from my skull like that cool scene in Act III of RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK, ever purchase any item from any spammer.
I will not continue the cycle. It ends with me.
So help me,
Internet Jesus.
Back to work...