Either they're not from here or they're millionaires from here. Otherwise there's no way a rational person could argue that making $250,000 in Southern California makes one "rich." The fact Congressional Democrats continue to focus on millionaires when they talk about extending tax cuts only proves how utterly dependent they are on class warfare
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What I took issue with in my post above were two things:
1) Raising taxes on anyone in a recession stifles spending and investing, which is necessary to get out of a recession. Taking more money from people who actually have it to spend is an even worse idea.
2) The Left has consistently portrayed these tax cuts as being for the wealthiest Americans when they have been, in fact, across-the-board tax cuts at all levels since President Bush's tenure. Making them permanent would actually stimulate the economy better than any stimulus package the federal government could put together. The reason the Left insists on positioning these as a class-warfare/jealousy issue is because that's central to their retention of power: they're pandering to the masses.
The reason I have a big problem with that second point is that it's a largely emotional response that panders to the masses. The masses rarely apply critical thinking to such positions, which fall apart when exposed to rational thought.
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