Thanksgiving glitch

Nov 30, 2009 09:25

Some how we ended up locked out of our house on thanksgiving day.
We stumbled home after a long day of eating, talking and visiting. It was cold and dark and rainy.
T got to the door and didn't move. He turned back to me and said the door was locked.
Don't ask,
We don't normally lock the door, I mean, why bother we are in Maine and there is literally nothing to steal. But do to a new door insulation panel that we put in we have to make sure the door is not going to get opened into it and brake it.

To make a long story short, we did eventually get in.
After spending the night in T's sister basement with lots of little mechanical lights.
A day of calling Locksmiths. AH, like there were any out there.
Around 4 we put T's little niece through a basement window, (she was in Boston all day)
There we were standing around in the cold, dark, rain trying to get this dinky little window open and listening to the Cats howl of how much they have missed us, or were quite possible very hungry.
On the plus side we got to spend the day with one of T's latest nephews. the very cute one year old who can change moods faster then his father can change diapers.


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