Jul 16, 2006 08:19
Let's look at a scenario:-
Let us suppose that Romania and Russia are deadly enemies, for whatever reason. Romania's ally is Moldova, which is weak, and borders on Russia. Moldova is full of anti-Russian militia, well-armed and financially supported by Romania. After a nasty, prolonged confrontation, during which Russia invades Moldova, Russia and Moldova sign a peace treaty, brokered by the United Nations.
The key to the treaty is that the Militia is to be disarmed, and replaced by Moldovan soldiers. This never happens. On the contrary, the Militia hides medium and long-range missile launchers in the homes of Militia supporters.
The Militia makes an incursion into Russian territory, kidnapping two Russian soldiers. Russia, naturally, sends troops into the border area of Moldova to rescue the soldiers. The militia launches rockets, hitting suburbs of Moscow, and raining death and destruction on Russia. Meanwhile, Russia attempts to knock out the missile launchers, killing some of the 'human shields' in the process. The world's press shows only photos of damage to 'innocent Moldovan homes', ignoring the dead, and the destroyed homes of Russians, who do NOT have concealed launchers in those homes.
The United Nations meets and condemns Russia. France, a staunch ally of Moldova, leads the diplomatic onslaught. Romania, an hereditary dictatorship with no human rights protection, sits on the UN Human Rights Commission, and has the support of most of the Third World.
What next, Vladimir?
(1/3 Romanian)