
May 01, 2008 22:29

i signed a lease last month (to start today) with a good friend from work. perfect right? two young single dudes, big screen TV, nice swank crib, playing loud choons and fucking around with XBOX for hours on end with beer and beer and loudness and beer.

today he tells me he knocked up his girl and she'll need to move in once the baby arrives in late december/early january. our lease will end on May 1 2009. this means i will have december/january through may with a god damn newborn baby.

don't get me wrong. you probably wouldn't guess it but i love kids. but newborn infants SUCK. that kid will be up at all hours crying and whining. when i meet a girl "hey come back to my place...but we have to be quiet cuz the baby is sleeping" shit

but i can't ditch my boy. there's no way he could afford the crib especially when he's trying to save for the baby. i have to be a good sport. 4 months of misery to me is worth really helping out a friend. i'll at least get madly reduced rent once his women moves in, and even more once there is an infant. and i'm not gonna try and move out once the baby comes in the middle of a chicago winter..who wants to move then?

i guess my life will be somewhat interesting until 5/1/09 when i should be making enough to get my own place.

ps i set up my tables last evening and tested my soundsystem, at VERY low volume, and someone already knocked on the door. at 6:30pm. on a wednesday. well fuck them, get used to it. it's called house. it beats constantly. haha.
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