12/29/07 FIST Pre-New Years Play Party--9pm-2am--Playhouse Studios--Baltimore
Come out and play at the FIST pre-new year's play party. This party is open to FIST members and our friends. Let's kick out 2007 with a bang (or a slap, whack, thud, woosh, pinch, sting, crack, ...). Cost is $15 for FIST members, $20 for non-members....and local folks should bring some munchies for the table. You must RSVP to
Glendacpfa@aol.com in order to be admitted. FIST does not discriminate based on financial resources. Work exchange and sliding scale are available.
(***if you don't know any FIST members, but still want to attend the party, please mention that in your RSVP so we can introduce you to our members)
FIST is a social and educational club for women, and transgendered people, who feel they have a place in the women's community and who are interested in S/M, leather, and fetish between women. We are one of the oldest women's member driven groups on the east coast, with a proud history. Look for more information about FIST, membership requirements, and a complete calendar coming soon.
If you know someone who wants to be added to our mailing list, please send a note to