(no subject)

Jun 25, 2006 03:46

so okay... as i said in my cut subject i'm a little tipsy but regardless this is what is on my mind..AM i fucking stupid? Why is it that every guy that i meet tries to hit up on me and take advantage of me like i'm some stupid ass cunt that actually gives into that bullshit. I would love love love to meet someone who is actually for real about the things that they say. I don't ask a lot from people but a bit of respect. I respect and admire almost everybody that I meet... i don't know what the big fucking deal is to treat somebody like they are a person. To feel compassion towards the fact that they have feelings and a past and a family and parents and friends that care about them. Everybody has depth and a story and a fucking history ... people that made them who they are and things that no one else has gone through quite like they have. FEELINGS for gods sake.... to meet someone and feel like you are better than they are or to think for one second that they don't have more to them that what you see on the service is bullshit. Everybody has the capacityt to be somethina mazing. They may not be the same as you and they may not mesh that well with you but they still are somethng to somebody. Its all bullshit to me. I am tired of people seeing me and only seein me on the outside and not even looking and talkg to see past that. That sounds conceited as hell but i amyw ay way wwaaaaayyy more than that. It pisses me off. The day that i meet somebody who actually is the person that i the act like will be the day that i die. I'm sick of it. Its stupid. And it angers me. Fuck the free world. Fuck it. good night
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