so, last weekend is over. it was overtly fabulous and vaguely debauched. yes, i keep replaying everything my brain like you do. it's funny the way nights go sometimes. my next weekend starts tommorow. i am hoping for more of the same and more of the different.
something in my belly is tied up into knots. but i am sure it is not you. because you are there reading this, and therefore not in my belly.
i think i might have contracted kt's emotional malaise, but certainly not her strep.
i am bruised and sweaty and biten, just like you asked me not to be. but they are your bruises and it is your sweat and your bite marks. don't you see? and i am sorry, so sorry. but also, i wish that i could have everything that i want at all times. it is guilty and selfish of me, yes. but also, also, so comfortable.
his name is hopeless. he was a good fight.
baby, it's hot.
look at how much fun jill and jen are having!
this camera angle makes everything so much fun.
so sometimes people are totally snappy. thank you if you are snappy and sometimes around me.
i wrote this entry earlier today before i had made my plaster molds for ceramics tommorow. now i have and i have written a new song and i have a whole new outlook on life. let me tell me what productivity can do. but the entry stays because it's all true. and because i don't know. man, my heart is going to 'splode one day. but more so tommorow will start five days of the city and the man i love. and i can't bring myself to sleep, it's like christmas.