May 16, 2005 08:01
this is just something i need to get off my chest, because the person it's written to really doesnt want to hear anything i have to say.
dont lie to me. dont. its not fucking hard. its incredibly sad that you have to sit there and make up some elaborate lie that you KNOW will fall through just because you dont have the balls to tell me you dont want me.
im not your fucking "side piece."
im not your constant that will always be there for you to walk over when someone better isnt available.
i hear you sit there and talk about autumn. how she's SO GORGEOUS and you would do ANYTHING for her. you would stop smoking and drinking and everything, totally change who you are. but me. "why cant you be the hardcore stoner bitch i want you to be?" [yes, that is a direct quote from a living person believe it or not.] why must i change for you? because im not pretty enough? or am i just not worth it.
i dont fucking understand how you can lie to so many people at one time. i have to imagine it gets pretty hard keeping all those straight. especially when you're tripped out for 10 hours a day. you're fucking scum to me.
once a liar, always a liar.
you'll never redeem yourself from me, but i doubt im worth it for you to even try.
you know i saw it. you know how you acted last night. you know your stories didnt line up. you know i talked to misa and tawnie and everyone told me. you just dont fucking care. you would rather have fun fun fun fun. that's what life's about right? a kiss or a fuck or a joint or whatever you happen to want at the time so you can have fucking fun. you really could give a shit who you have to step on to get there.
yeah, i dont know anything about you. so fucking what. you dont want me to. im SO glad that this acctually happened so i can see your TRUE nature. your TRUE character of a liar and an asshole. you play it off so fucking well. i had no idea that your sweet face and your sweet words could be so careless as to not tell me the truth. yeah the truth would have still hurt like a bitch, but at least i would know. i would know not to talk to you again. i would know what you're all about and i wouldnt have to waste my time. but, thanks. thanks so much. for wasting all of my time.