(no subject)

Apr 30, 2005 07:17

yesterday blew, not for any one particular reason, i was just in a shitty mood to begin with.
you cant depend on anyone, parents flip out for no reason, and i had a very bad headache after work.
i went to bed around 10 and just woke up at 7 AM. But i feel really good.
today jess has an interview at a big salon in canton so christin and i are going with her there. then im going shopping for some much needed summer clothes. I went yesterday and got a really cute shirt and pink velvet sweatpant thingys of which i cant have enough. i feel really good right now, beside the fact that im really hungy and have nothing to eat in the house.

i kind of feel bad about going this morning becuase the house looks like shit, and i HAVE to get my graduation invitations out this weekend. oh yeah, that's last call if you want to come and i have to mail them to you [cough, ben, cough] so i need your address by like, tomorrow.

im really really excited about graduation. im getting a really awesome outfit for it, and i dont know, i know my high school career hasnt been all A's and extracurriculars but i think i've done really well for myself, and im proud to go over this hill in life. i think i've ACCTUALLY talked my mother and father into sitting down at a table together for the sake of their child. Me. After graduation i've arranged for Me, my brother, my dad, my mom, my stepdad, my grandma and grandpa bailey, my aunt on my mother's side and her husband and my grandfather's wife to all go to dinner together. Im REALLY happy about this, i love them all so much and i really wanted to share this all with them. I am still upset that my grandfather refuses to come just because he doesnt like my father. It's strange how 80 year olds can act like they're 8. Apparently im just not worth it. =/

SO anyway. I made a seperate journal. its megansafatass__
add it if you wish.
its soley for the purpose of me writing down what im eating every day and if im doing any kind of exercise.
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