Mod Post

Nov 09, 2008 15:36

This is a Chuck fic exchange community.

Sign-ups will remain open until Black Friday (November 28th) after which point you will have your request by December 5th. All completed stories must be received via email on or before December 20th so that last-minute pinch-hitters can be arranged for those who fail to meet the deadline. Stories will be posted by the mods on December 24th, and authors will remain anonymous until the reveal on New Year's Eve.

If you request a story, you are expected to write one in return. If you sign up and find later that you cannot participate, LET US KNOW IMMEDIATELY so that we can make other arrangements. Please do not sign up if you believe you will be unable to fill a request.

buymoreholiday is open to any and all Chuck writers. Requests for het, slash and gen are all equally welcomed. In spite of the name, characters not employed by Buy More are still eligible for inclusion.

To sign up, please make a new post to this community with the following information: (Copied almost directly from and with many thanks to moonlettuce and alyse at sga_santa)

Things I'd like: You can request as many things as you'd like in here. That doesn't mean you'll get them all, but there's no harm in asking. If you'd like a specific pairing or character, this is the place to make that known.
Things I wouldn't like: If there's anything you wouldn't like to receive (pairing, character, etc) then here's the place to mention it. Best to put your squicks and pet peeves just in case.
What I can do: Are you a slash only person? Do you only write a specific character or pairing?
What I can't do: If there's anything you feel you can't do, then please say so here. If you can't write NC-17 fic, or have no desire to write het / slash, or a specific pairing or character then please say so.
Pinch hitter?: In the event of someone not being able to complete their story, are you willing to be a stand-in writer?

We ask that your stories be a minimum of 1000 words long, so that nobody feels slighted.
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