(no subject)

Nov 10, 2008 08:36

Livejournal: schweinsty
Things I'd like: I would lovelovelove either some gen or some OT3 love (Casey/Chuck/Sarah in any way). I love some hurt/comfort, but any genre is fine. :). Edit: If it's gen, I'd also love to see the relationship between Chuck and Casey - Casey seems very protective/a bit mentorish, and I find that adorable :D.
Things I wouldn't like: I don't want Ellie paired with anyone but awesome, and I'm not too fond of AUs for this fandom, and I would prefer something with plot, not just a PWP.
What I can do: Slash, het, gen, as long as it's not on my 'can't do' list, it's good :).
What I can't do: I don't like writing Ellie/anyone but Awesome, or any Sarah bashing. I'd rather not write Bryce/Sarah, but I will if it's wanted. Edit: I'd prefer not to write AUs, too, but I can in a pinch. Edit: Also, I suck at NC-17 stuff. I can do it, but it's not hot. At all.
Pinch hitter?: I can pinch hit as long as I get a couple of days. :).
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