"holy shit, thank god that's your phone and not the door..." =)

Nov 19, 2004 17:45

Today was...good.  It was Friday, for starters, so what could go wrong?  Nothing, I tell you. =)

Well it wasn't that great, but it was good.  Time for the break down-izzle.

English-Had our big circle Huck Finn discussion.  It was... Huck Finnish.  Hoho, FINNISH!  Umm, kayno.
French-Watched more Martha Stewart on how to make a French wedding cake.  I would put the real name, but I can't for the life of me spell it lol.  Robert and I are going to make a buche de noel together, and it will kick ass.  45 extra credit points, here we come..!
Math-(here's the bad part of the day) I failed my quiz.  Or I am almost positive I did.  I had NO idea what I was doing.  I mean, it was harder than our last chapter test, for crying out loud.  Fuck that, I don't like mathematics.
Chemistry-Graded our homework and did the last page of the packet.  Elise, Alex, and I worked together.  Got about half way done and then we talked.  Shane wasn't there so it was more boring than usual.
Lunch-Elise went to go sell pizza with Stevie so Robert and I *uhhh*ed at lots of people and got funny looks, as always.  Salut salop (?) I make up spelling for French words haha.  Talked to Andy for the second time in two days... Third time in seven and a half months lol. 
Spanish-Went over the difference between the preterite and the imperfect and when to use which.  It was kind of confusing.  Talked to Jeron and Brandon, just like always.
World History-Had ten minutes to finish our worksheets so I talked to Holly about Bryan lol.  We graded the worksheets, discussed current events, and that was the end of the day.  Mmmhmm.

After School-Thomas and I talked to Erin and Kristin in the band room for a few minutes, then we went to his casa.  "You looked lovely in your *outfit*, my dear." Hehe, but not as great as him, I tell ya! ;) Winnie the Pooh cups.  Ooh corruption!  Uhmm, then he brought me home in three minutes.  I ate pizza and here I am now... How sad there was a football game tonight... I was having a good time with my darling.

I need to call Elise so we can plan our going-to-the-game situation.  It's quarterfinal time, bitches.  La Cueva -vs- Eldorado, and we are going to kill!  =D  Plus it's more time I get to spend with Thomas, so it's a lovely soir activity.

Time to get ready.  Go Bears!  *cheercheercheer*

<3 I love you forever times forever plus a day, Thomas! tehe, you're so cute, sweetheart. =)
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