I Love You Phillip Morris

Dec 10, 2010 14:47

Last night I saw a preview for I Love You Phillip Morris. It's a gay romantic comedy with Jim Carrey and Ewan McGregor! It looks so squeeful! I was so excited about the content, running around the house to share it with everyone, that I missed when it was opening. A little afternoon googling and it turns out that it opened last week. Now, as my husband will attest, I watch a lot of tv. So I'm surprised that last night was the first time I've seen a trailor for a movie that's already out. It's only playing in two local theaters; Lowes on the Commons and Kendall Square.

You can read more about the film here, where you'll also find a link to the red ban trailer. I totally think this is something that needs to be supported. The better the turn out, the more likely we'll start seeing more from Hollywood of this content and caliber. So I encourage everyone to post far and wide about this film, and to see this as many times and with as many friends as possible.


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